27 oktober 2010

Cyclodelic's winter collection online

Cyclodelic's new winter collection is now available at Cyclodelic

The sport dresses are awesome, check it out!
And I just love the soft green :)

20 oktober 2010

Photo 2. Autumn morning

Lovely new kittens

I think you could say I'm a cat person. It's a family thing I guess... My late grandmother was the classical cat person you find in every street. She didn't only owned a few cats, but her whole house was filled with them and they were everywhere. Cats on coffee mugs, plates, on sweaters, as a vase, on the doormat, we even called her Grandma cat, so you get the idea.
My parents are more the cat rescuers types. Back when they lived in Amsterdam, they saved loads of street cats that needed help, fed the starving ones, gave some a safe place to live, took some to the vet when needed.
I'm not that sort of cat person though. I don't have mugs with them, or take them off the streets (as much as I would like to). But in my world, a house can only turn into a warm home with a cat.

I always owned a cat, but sadly (for me), I had to leave my cat at my parents place when I moved this summer. She loves her own safe house & the dog and I will never take that away from her.
So, we've been searching around for an old cat. I thought that would be a great idea to give an old one a loving home, but I found out it's hard to find an inside cat. You see, we love in a city with people that hate animals so much they do awful things to them. Not far behind our house passes a train every 15 minutes, that's next to a highway and we live close to a busy road with big busses. Not so nice and safe for an old outside cat. So with a doubtful mind, this Sunday we took off to a little town and bought ourselves two adorable kittens. Jack Bauer and Lisa (named after Lisa Hannigan). A boy & girl and they are so cute together. We took two because we both work and this way they don't have to be alone.

I do feel bad because I wanted one from the shelter, there are already so many unwanted cats in the world, waiting for a nice home. My parents tell me Jack Bauer & Lisa also needed a home and they found a good one. I guess they're right, we are good for them and already love them so much. I just need some time to think of it that way...

19 oktober 2010

Photo 1.

If possible, I take my camera with me. It's just as natural as taking the keys when I leave the house. I'm not great at photography  at all or anything, but you see, I love the little things in life and I love capturing them as much as I can. Like I mentioned before, I have a thing for Autumn. Maybe because of the beautiful little things Autumn brings. Like that patient spider in his web waiting for that one bite, or the gorgeous colours in the trees, a few seconds of sunshine between the rainy clouds that feels soft and warm on your cheeks. I love those little things in Autumn, in life and will share them right here on this blog. 

7 oktober 2010

Madonna's D&G ad

Last week I'd found some rough pictures of Madonna's D&G ad. They made me think of the beauty ads about ageing. Hmmm...

3 oktober 2010

Hate This Day

Today, I had the scariest moment of my life.
My long-time boyfriend, who I love with all my heart and can't live without, has diabetes. It was December 2003 when we got the diagnose. We learned about the disease and now it's just a part of our life.
This morning started different than usual. We slept over, so we took it slow. I made some coffee and breakfast, while my boyfriend played on the PS3. Suddenly he stopped playing and had this weird look on his face. When I asked him what's wrong, he got into a terrible ceasure. I totally panicked! When he stopped with the shaking, and turned all pale, I thought he had died, so I called the emergency line. She talked me through the whole situation and was really good. She calmed me down a bit while I waited for help.
First the police arrived, and my sweet neighbours came to help also. They are such great & sweet people. I'm totally blessed. Then we took off to the hospital...

It looks like my boyfriend is going to be fine, but they don't understand why the ceasure was that extreme. So because of that, he must spent the night in the hospital and run some more tests.
For the first time I'm home alone in our own place. I have loads of people around me who are nice enough to care, but I need to be alone tonight. Today I needed to be strong and I didn't want to show my real feelings (like always..). When I got home, and got off the phone, I cleaned up the mess that was made this morning and tried my best not to cry. I have the feeling when I start crying, I can't stop and get weak. I don't want to be weak. But when I think about this morning, and I think of the moment where I thought he was gone and how sudden it all was, I get scared and can't stop the tears from falling...