16 februari 2011

wow. It's been a while..

Blame winter, it's been full of distractions. But I'm back, made little changes, made some big plans and I think I am happier.

In this fresh new year, I feel like it's time to start a 'Things I love' note. I love the idea to write about the things you've been grateful for in the past week. I've seen several bloggers making one, but for some reason I always felt more drawn to Rabbit Hearts' blog. A gal from upstate New York, who's learning about life and herself. Maybe because I love her writing or because her eyes are open for the little things in life that a lot of people take for granted. I love it when she gets all excited about a cheap H&M dress, cause I know exactly what she means.

I love being grateful, especially because it's not something I feel like I have to show off. You just are, you're eyes are opened to the daring funny cat, trying to catch the bird or the first bit of green in the trees in February makes you smile. And I'm talking about a real smile, not the smiles you have to give away daily when expected. No, I'm talking about the smile that feeds your soul. You can feel it in your heart and it's all you need.
Sometimes, to friends, I try to point out these wonderful things we take for granted, but they look at me like I've lost my mind, or they do agree it's beautiful but never really pause for that moment, they never really look and I think it's a shame..
Like right now, I'm sitting in front of my laptop, looking out the window, feeling grateful for that magnificent sunset I just witnessed, with Ray Lamontagne singing beautifully on the back..

So here I go..:
Booked a flight to the USA today! This fall we'll visit NE and beautiful Canada.

Love training on the cross trainer. It's exhaustive, but I feel so much better already and I realise I need to be skinny and fit for the trip :)

Love Danielle's blog! Even though she doesn't know about me or the fact I'm following her lovely blog, and it feels a bit weird to do, she just needs to be on my first TIL list. Miss Rabbit Hearts is a true inspiration in so many ways.. moving to Europe, traveling around, finding herself, moving back home and all the amazing sensations. Follow her blog and be amazed by her inspiring words:www.rabbithearts.com

Love my new green nail polish by Gosh. Haven't got the change to use it yet, considering my nails look like crap right now, but I know in two weeks, I have them fixed and nice again and I know it will look awesome!!

Love it when customers tell my boss they felt like they had great chemistry with me when I felt it too. It's so sweet when people actually say things like that, cause it makes you feel nice.