28 september 2012

Things I love Friday

Love Dexter! We just started season five and are totally addicted.

Love my new good intention to clean up after myself. I'm pretty neat but had the bad habbits to be a bit lazy sometimes. I'm doing my best and the result is awesome :)

Love L'Oreal roll on foundation. For some reason no shop sold it anymore, until now! Ít's the best foundation for my skin, it's nice and smooth but a bit expensive though..

Love my father in law is back home and will be just fine after a pulmonary embolism.

Love my parents are back home from vacation.

Love my new desk for drawing. Too bad I haven't been able to use it yet, but after the baby is born and times are little less crazy I'm getting behind that nice desk!

Love my husband's totally unexpected salary raise. Especially in times like these, and with a new family member on the way!

Love all the beautiful Autumn trees around me.

Smile :)

I'm going to spend less time on the www,

it became such a waste of time.

Today's my due day!

But something tells me he won't be showing up until next week. I'm still doing good, the baby is fine and moves around like normal. So, I think he's just waiting for October.

21 september 2012

39 weeks pregnant

And getting a little more nervous. Still not sick of being pregnant though, but I do feel like a ticking bomb.

Still heartbroken

I could still cry all day over him...
Miss him so much.

20 september 2012


Too bad it's out of stock already! We really need Urban Outfitters in this country!

14 september 2012

Rest in Peace

Today our dog died while being on vacation with my parents in France. An enlarged heart. He wasn't really my dog anymore, since I moved out of my parents home, but we did share a good 12 years together. I can honestly say he was the sweetest, special and best little guy ever! I know we gave him a very good life, but knowing what I will be missing from now on just breaks my heart. Dali my little prins, I will always love you.

12 september 2012

Perfect Autumn song - Eskimo by Damien Rice

Perfect when sitting in front of the window, watching the rain falling down.
The one song that makes me cry so easily.

Best of Autumn

Things I love about Autumn

Being surrounded by beautiful warm colours.

Inhale the fresh Autumn smell.

Love the soft temperatures. The horrible warmth is gone, and it's not too cold yet.

The fashion. Autumn gives us way more options what to wear. I love finishing up with shawls, heads and nice jackets. Layers can be so cool.
And people are all covered up in clothing, so no more exposed skin on the streets, which is nice because I'm not interested in sagging skin, your hairy spots, bodyfat or bare feet!

Love there's no more armpit smell.

Stepping on crunchy leaves.

Love there are no more uninvited bugs in the house, no more mosquito bytes or wasps.

Open windows to welcome Autumn in your house. So no more hot and sticky sleepless nights.

People finally know how to drive again. Autumn has less distractions and we don't have to listen to people's bad music because they'll keep their windows closed.

Way less people on the beaches.

Love the cozy dark evenings with books and candle light.

Love being able to wear skirts again without being a turn on for stupid horny men.

Love Autumn romance. Love taking a hike, having long chats over coffee/hot tea, staying in to read books together or feeling each others warmth when it's getting cold.

Love the music.

No more lame summer events or boring fairs eveybody only joins because they're affraid they will miss something or can't talk about it.

No more invites for BBQ's but lovely inside dinners.

Love having red wine in the garden at the fire place.

Love cinnamon.

Love Halloween!!

1 september 2012

Autumn's in town!

I longed for her, I perceived her first glimpse and last Thursday I felt her presence. Autumn is back in town and she couldn't make me happier.
