21 maart 2012

In hiding

The last six weeks, I've been hiding. Literally hiding in my house. I didn't feel well at all, could only hang on the couch, felt really hungry and sick at the same time. But I knew the cause: I'm pregnant, over 12 weeks now!

Yesterday we had our second ultrasound and saw our little birdy being awake and active. We're still not used to the idea we'll be having a baby this October. You see, we've been talking about babies over 10 years and now it suddenly isn't just talking anymore, its for real now. Also, I was very scared of having a miscarriage. I can't think of anyone who got pregnant easily and didn't at least have one miscarriage. So I banned myself from baby clothes and even dream about having this one. I felt like I needed to protect myself or something. But maybe that numb feeling will go away once we go babyshopping!