10 september 2010

White Rabbit 09.09.2010

My rabbit wasn't a nervous wreck like White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Mine was the cutest, the best, sweetest, the most awesome rabbit out there. I loved him. There were great times in the garden, a great friendship with my dog and some terrified times with my cats. Now he's just lying there, on his side, cold, gone forever...

I hate dead animals. I only like them alive, happy, healthy, jumping around like they're suppose to.
This morning, when I said goodbye to my sweet rabbit, I saw Grim Reaper in his eyes, waiting to take him away from this world to never return. I saw it coming for some days now, but closed my eyes for it. It's too soon, even 11 years are! But he was alive and I had hope he'd still be here when I returned from work tonight. But nature and Grim Reaper are cruel, so they made him die alone...
This morning, before I left, I thought of putting on some music for him. So he wouldn't feel alone today, but I don't know why... but I didn't. Now I regret how I did things today and wish I could've been there, hold him in my arms while he took his last breath...

Dear rabbit, forever rest in peace. I know you deserved a better life, I guess I've learned from my mistakes. Have fun in rabbit heaven where the grass is greener than green, where the fields have no ending and de carets are even more yummy than here on earth. I will miss you sweatheart...

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